Sunday 16 January 2011

Visual Sweets: Current Uni Work

Yay it's my first post of 2011
took me long enough :p
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and new year

Just thought I would show you what I have been up to recently
uni work wise:

I'm totally up to my eyes in Uni work
Hand ins on tuesday and friday!
Cant wait till its over

Normal blogging will resume after then



  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Amazing photos, they look stunning and that final picture has me lol-ing all over the place!!! Is your hair silver or purple? Must do a close up of it!!! Cute hat and top in the first picture as well and mega good luck with all your work. It may seem horrible now but it'll pay off in the end, trust me, I've been there!!!!

    Hannah xx

  2. Those photos are excellent, great lighting and colour. :)

  3. I loooove the photos, great job! c: x

  4. Great pics! Looking forward to more posts, welcome back :) x

  5. I like to one with pigments splattering all over you - SO YOU.

  6. Hey! Just discovered your blog, looking forward to reading some more! :) What was the project on? Or what topic were pictures on? They look amazing btw!

  7. thanks for all the lovely comments!

    Some of the images are for my make-up module (under a Tribal theme)

    And others are for my Independent Study (equivalent of dissertation)
    where I am making a book of 25 or more self portraits showing myself in all different ways

